
Other books published with LatinNow support:

Darasse, C. R. (2020) Comment s’écrit l’autre? Sources épigraphiques et papyrologiques dans le monde méditerranéen antique (Ausonius Editions, Bordeaux)

Moncunill, N. and Velaza, J. (2017) Iberian. Language, Writing, Epigraphy (University of Zaragoza Press) IBERIAN Open Access

Moncunill, N. and Velaza, J. (2019) Monumenta Linguarum Hispanicarum, Bd. V.2, Lexikon der iberischen Inschriften (Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden)

Mullen, A. and Darasse, C. R. (2018) Gaulish. Language, writing, epigraphy (University of Zaragoza Press) GAULISH Open Access

Mullen, A. and Darasse, C. R. (2019) Galo. Lengua, Escritura, Epigrafía (University of Zaragoza Press) GALO Open Access

Mullen, A. and Darasse, C. R. (2019) Gaulois. Langue, Ecriture, Epigraphie (University of Zaragoza Press) GAULOIS Open Access

Selected journal articles, book chapters, other publications

Cotugno, F. (2018) ‘A multidisciplinary analysis of Latin texts from Roman Britain’ Graeco-Latina Brunensia 23.1, 35-47

Cotugno, F. (2018) ‘Voci di Britannia: microstorie di latinizzazione’ in L. Costamagna, E. Di Domenico, A. Marcaccio, S. Scaglione, B. Turchetta (eds) Mutamento linguistico e biodiversità. Atti del XLI Convegno della Società Italiana di Glottologia (Perugia, 1-3 dicembre 2016) (Roma, il Calamo) 229-234

Estarán, M. J. (2019) ‘La elección lingüística en las leyendas monetales, ¿un marcador identitario? Casos de incoherencia enre las leyendas monetales y el registro epigráfico’ Archivo Español de Arqueología 92, 173-189 

Estarán, M. J. (2019) ‘Deibabor igo Vissaieigobor. Notas para el estudio de la retención lingüística en la epigrafía religiosa de la Lusitania romana’ in J. Tomás, V. Del Petre (eds) Imágenes, creencias y sociedad en Lusitania romana (Lisbon)

Estarán, M. J. Beltrán Lloris, F., Orduña, A. E., Gorrochategui, J. C. (2019) ‘Hesperia, a DataBase for Palaeohispanic languages, and AELAW, a DataBase for the Ancient European Languages and Writings. Challenges, Solutions, Prospects’ in A. M. De Santis, I. Rossi (eds) Crossing experiences in digital epigraphy: from practice to discipline (De Gruyter online) Click here for pdf

Ferrer, J. and Moncunill, N. (2019) ‘Palaeohispanic writing systems: classification, origin and development’ in A. Garcia Sinner and J. Velaza (eds) Palaeohispanic Languages and Epigraphies (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 78-108 

Houten, P. (2020) ‘Moet ik Latijn leren? Latinisering van Germania Inferior’ Hermeneus 92.4, 20-27 Click here for pdf

Loy, M. and Mullen, A. (2019) ‘A Greek inscription with rider iconography from South Shields, Britain’ Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 209, 140-144

Moncunill, N. (2017) ‘Indigenous naming practices in the Western Mediterranean: the case of Iberian’ Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 23 (1), 7-20 Click here for pdf

Moncunill, N. (2017) ‘Nombres comunes en ibérico y su inserción dentro de la frase’ Actas del XII Coloquio Internacional de Lenguas y Culturas Paleohispánicas = Palaeohispanica 17, 141-165

Moncunill, N. (2019) ‘From Iberians to Romans: the Latinization of Iberian onomastics through Latin epigraphic evidence’ Phoenix 73 (1–2), 134-168 Click here for pdf

Moncunill, N. (2021) ‘Social and material aspects of writing in ancient Iberia: The evolution of the local scripts under the influence of Rome’ in M. Ramírez and N. Moncunill (eds) Aprender la escritura, olvidar la escritura (Vitoria) 161–183 Click here for pdf

Moncunill, N. and Bénézet, J. (2018) ‘Les graffitis latins du Mas Sauvy (Villeneuve-de-la-Raho, Pyrénées Orientales)’, Miscellanea philologica et epigraphica Marco Mayer oblata. Anuari de Filologia. Antiqua et Mediaeualia 594?604 Click here for pdf

Moncunill, N. and I. Simon Cornago (2017) ‘Dos estampillas ibéricas de Ruscino y Canohès (Pyrénées-Orientales)’ Etudes celtiques 43, 95-112

Moncunill, N. and Francès, J. (2017) ‘Un nuevo cálato inscrito de Ca n’Oliver (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona)’ Saguntum 49, 61-69

Ferrer i Jané, J., Moncunill, N., Velaza, J, (2020) ‘Une nouvelle inscription rupestre latine d’Err (Pyrénées-Orientales)’ Latomus 7, 79-90  Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2018) ‘LatinNow! The Latinization of the north-western Roman provinces: sociolinguistics, archaeology and epigraphy’ Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents 21, 8-10 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2019) ‘Was Latin epigraphy a killer?’ Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents 23, 2-5 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2019) ‘Relaunch of the expanded Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online’ and ‘New exhibition: VOCES POPVLI. Life and Languages in the Roman West’ Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents 24, 10 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2019) ‘Sociolinguistics’ in R. Collins and M. Symonds Hadrian’s Wall 2009-2019 (Kendal) 102-105 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2020) ‘Translingualism: a new spin on old material’ Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents 25, 17-19 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2021) ‘Socio-literacy: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding literacy in the Roman North-West’ in M. Ramírez and N. Moncunill (eds) Aprender la escritura, olvidar la escritura (Vitoria) 357–380 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. (2022) ‘Materializing epigraphy: archaeological and sociolinguistic approaches to Roman inscrbed spindle whorls’ in E. Cousins (ed.) Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions (Oxford) 39–64

Mullen, A. (2023) ‘Transformations de la Gaule sous l’Empire romain : une culture de l’écrit au service de la production de masse’ in M. Coltelloni-Trannoy and N. Moncunill (eds) La culture de l’écrit en Méditerranée occidentale à travers les pratiques épigraphiques (Gaule, Ibérie, Afrique du Nord) (Leuven) 131–162  

Mullen, A. and Darasse, C. R. (2019) ‘Cultural and linguistic contact in southern Gaul’ in A. Garcia Sinner and J. Velaza (eds) Palaeohispanic Languages and Epigraphies (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 198-218 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. and Darasse, C. R. 2020 ‘Gaulish’ Palaeohispanica 20, 749–783 Click here for pdf

Mullen, A. and Tomlin, R. S. O. (2019) ‘More from the Romano-British poets: a new metrical inscription from East Farleigh, Kent’ Britannia 50 Click here for pdf

Willi, A. (2019) ‘Sprechen Sie Latein? LatinNow – Ein interdisziplinäres Projekt zur Latinisierung im römischen Westen’ Archäologie Schweiz 42, 38-39 Click here for pdf

Willi, A. (2021) ‘Writing with trees: Pliny’s topiary epigraphy’ Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents 26, 18-19 Click here for pdf

Willi, A. and Colombo, A. (2021) ‘Thoughts about erasing writing on Roman wax tablets’ Instrumentum 54, 41-44 Click here for pdf

Willi, A. (2022) ‘Inscriptions for inscribers: texts on Roman writing equipment’ Journal of Epigraphic Studies 5, 63–104 Click here for pdf

Willi, A. and Hovell, G. (2022) ‘Writing in the garden’ Topiarius 26, 23–26 Click here for pdf

Key Previous Publications

Estarán, M. J. 2016 Epigrafía bilingüe del Occidente romano (University of Zaragoza Press)

Moncunill, N. 2010 Els noms personals ibèrics en l’epigrafia antiga de Catalunya (Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona)

Mullen, A. 2016 ‘Sociolinguistics’ in Millett, M., Moore, A. and Revell, L. (eds) The Oxford handbook to Roman Britain (Oxford University Press) 573–598

Mullen, A. 2013 Southern Gaul and the Mediterranean (Cambridge University Press)

Mullen, A. and James, P. (eds) 2012 Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds (Cambridge University Press)

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